TWIST during STRP Festival 2024

Professionals 12 Apr 2024

From creative partner to generic soup: does AI offer us a world of possibilities or a standardization in creative education?
Program on education, technology and creativity in collaboration with SETUP.

Does artificial intelligence offer an endless source of creativity? Or are we heading toward a homogeneous visual language, in which AI categorizes and standardizes our creativity into a generic soup? Discover - or break through - the normative boundaries of AI in creative design with this program for education professionals. This edition is a collaboration between STRP, SintLucas and the platform SETUP, known for its multidisciplinary approach to art, technology and ethics.

During this afternoon, we question the role of AI as a creative partner. A huge number of possibilities have emerged in recent years. Anyone can use systems like ChatGPT or Stable Diffusion in the creative process, but does that lead to something new? In the arts, nude model drawing is considered an essential exercise in viewing and interpretation. With AI image generators, this exercise now seems within reach but requires a different approach. Communication with these tools requires clarity and precision, forcing us to observe differently. Through "nude prompts," we learn about the workings and limits of AI and how humans and machines can work creatively together. We also reflect on the normativity hidden in these systems and together try to understand their impact on creativity and education.

This afternoon consists of various programs, such as presentations, hands-on experiments and expanding your network within the education and cultural sectors. We invite educators, arts and culture professionals, and teachers to participate in this program. Afterward, you will go home with new perspectives and inspiration to apply these insights in your own practice with students and colleagues.

Spacemakers x TWIST is a program by STRP Education and SintLucas in co-creation with SETUP, made possible by The Cultural Participation Fund and Fonds 21.

SETUP Foundation is a media lab in Utrecht, founded in 2010. Here, artists and experts from various disciplines investigate the everyday future of technology. They do not focus on distant sci-fi future dreams, but on technology's real-life social impact on our society. They do this through artistic design research. SETUP creates new interventions, images and vocabulary that make abstract technological developments tangible and palpable. This allows more people to think and talk about digital emancipation and what it means to be human in a technological society. These stories are also used to provoke debate: SETUP regularly publishes in national media, raises new issues and also tries to achieve lasting change politically.

Practical info

For whom
Education, art & culture professionals such as teachers, coordinators, educators, policymakers and students who will be working with youth, learning or education after their studies from studies such as (visual arts and design) teacher and art & culture (sciences).
Date and time
Friday 12 April 14.00-18.00
Microstad: Professor Doctor Dorgelolaan 2, 5611 BA Eindhoven
€25 for professionals and €10 euros for students.
Use your professionalization budget to participate!

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